In 2008, The Vineyard Church here in Kenner entered into a long-term partnership with Vineyard Boise and Vineyard Church of Columbus in an effort to come along side local Vineyard Churches in Zambia, Africa to see long term transformation and to see the Kingdom of God fully present within the life of this country. Whether its building deep water wells and biosand filters with Seeds of Hope International, training lay leaders at the local churches, or simply praying for the sick and the marginalized, we long to see the Kingdom of God break in and renew this little part of the world. This blog is a place where you can join us as we seek to accomplish this mission.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Team Update 05/19/2009

Wow, what a week it has been. I know we have not updated much but getting internet access that works has been challenging. I will try my best to fill you in on everything.

So here we go:

May 14-15 - The kenner team worked with Seeds of Hope building and installing Bio-Sand Filters. It was a great experience for each one of them and God move in great ways.

May 16 - The kenner team put on a one day VBS for 350 children in Mapalo. Yes that is 350! We had planned for 200 but quickly had to readjust. What an awesome time this was.

While all of this was going on Robb Klipp did leadership training for 25 local Vineyard Pastors. And myself along with the Columbus and Boise teams headed to the Kesempa region where we worked with local Vineyard Pastors in the area.

On Sunday Robb, Stephen (Columbus), Dan (Columbus), Shelton (Boise) and myself each went to a different Vineyard church in the Ndola area to do the Sunday teaching. What an awesome time it was we each say God moving in big ways. At the churhc in Twapia where I was three people gave their lives to Christ.

Yesterday we took the 14 hour trek down to Livingstone where we will conclude our trip. Today we will be working with Best Lumbia who is the Regional Overseer for this area.

On behalf of the team we thank you for all your prayers and looking forward to seeing you soon!




  1. Thanks for the update Shawn,

    I hope everyone is doing well and can't wait to read the next update. We are still praying for everyone, and I hope everyone is feeling God work through y'all. Clint, I hope everything is going good. My family and I still have you and your family in our prayers. Talk to you soon Eric B

  2. I hope all is well with everyone.. god bless . cant wait for the next update

  3. I am so blessed to be able to read about your wounderful adventure of anothers to give themselves to the Lord. I can't wait to hear about it more in detail. Mostly when is the next trip? I had to say it. Guess who? Be BLESSED and keep watering.

  4. Greetings Anak,

    Each of you are Blessed to have such good faith. I am so proud of all your accomplishments on this trip. Happy to know that it has been a great deal of an experience to put God's work in to place. May the Almighty God be with you always, always. Take care of yourself and may you have a wonderful and safe trip back. Indeed, I look forward to more up dates and seeing you soon. Warm regards to the entire team. I love you...

  5. It's getting close to coming back. I want to encourage you on how much of a delight it is to partake this journey with you. And I know with all my heart that all of you have made a difference not just in thier life . But the ones at home tuning in. What God is doing labors are few but it is that few that makes change. May you be blessed in all things.

  6. Awesome Shawn et. al.!
    You make the Western New York State natives look good! 8^) Grace & Peace to all of you.
    Tim Allen (Pi Man)

  7. Hey guys,
    Michaelynn here:

    Were heading back today and I am just in awe of GOds beauty and power. I never thought I would be in another country offering myself as a living sacrifice and trying to help people hold onto their hope. Thanks be to God for calling me on this trip and thanks to a wonderful team leader who has made this expperience one that I will never forget.
    To Zambia....I will miss you and am praying that I am called to serve you next year.

    Grace and peace and see you all soon!!!

