In 2008, The Vineyard Church here in Kenner entered into a long-term partnership with Vineyard Boise and Vineyard Church of Columbus in an effort to come along side local Vineyard Churches in Zambia, Africa to see long term transformation and to see the Kingdom of God fully present within the life of this country. Whether its building deep water wells and biosand filters with Seeds of Hope International, training lay leaders at the local churches, or simply praying for the sick and the marginalized, we long to see the Kingdom of God break in and renew this little part of the world. This blog is a place where you can join us as we seek to accomplish this mission.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Trip - Day 1

Michaelynn snuggled up in her Snuggie at the gate in Atlanta. - 3hrs to Depart

The Kenner Vineyard Team ready to deaprt from New Orleans.


  1. I pray to God for your mission of good cause be safe and be harmfree. May your teams effort be worthwhile and appreciated by each whom who received! God bless each and everyone of you and He may provide you with more courage and strenght throughout. The entire World is in need of more people like YOU...

  2. Tim, Michaelynn DadMay 11, 2009 at 12:00 AM

    Michaelynn, I am very proud of you, doing gods work may god bless you and your team. be safe and enjoy this journey!

  3. we are all praying for your safety and a successful mission. may God be with you all
    on your journey.

  4. hey Michaelynn.. Natasha is here wishing you and your team ... all the luck in the world.. god bless your journey... luv ya ...and I cant wait to see the updates

  5. Katherine and familyMay 11, 2009 at 8:18 AM

    Enjoy the journey. I know God will be using you along the way. You are in our prayers.

  6. michael lynn, you brought the snuggy!!! I'll be following your trip!
    -young d

  7. Michaelynn, your Aunt Hilda and I are very proud of you. Remember that you are doing God's work and he will be with you the whole way. We will be praying for you and your team to come home to us safely. Continue to update on your progress.

  8. I got your phone message today. I am glad you and your team made it safe. love you!

  9. Greetings Anak,

    I received your voice message a few minutes after you had called. My apology that I missed your phone call, I was in the middle of a meeting. I am glad to hear that you have arrived to your first destination. I had tried calling back the number that appeared on my caller ID but obviously incomming calls are not accessible. Thanks again for a peace of mind that you are ok. I love you and may The Almighty God be with you always, always. Warm regards to your teammates. I am certain that your team's mission to Zambia will serve its purpose.

  10. Hey Michaelynn, Congrats on graduation on Saturday. Hope you and the rest of the gang have a safe trip. Look forward to hearing about all your of your journey. You are constantly in my prayers.

    Love ya,


  11. Good day Anak... just want to share a few words to start your third day :-)

    You Are Who You Are...

    Our perception of the traits and characteristics that make us who we are is often tightly intertwined with how we live our life. We define ourselves in terms of the roles we adopt, our actions and inactions, our triumphs, and what we think are failures. As a result it is easy to identify so strongly with a decision that has resulted in unexpected negative consequences that we actually become that "wrong" decision. The disappointment and shame we feel when we make what we perceive as a mistake grows until it becomes a dominant part of our identities. We rationalize our "poor" decisions by labeling ourselves incompetent decision-makers. However, your true identity cannot be defined by your choices. Your essence—what makes you a unique entity—exists independently of your decision-making process.

    There are no true right or wrong decisions. All decisions contribute to your development and are an integral part of your evolving existence yet they are still separate from the self. A decision that does not result in its intended outcome is in no way an illustration of character. Still, it can have dire effects on our ability to trust ourselves and our self-esteem. You can avoid becoming your decisions by affirming that a "bad decision" was just an experience, and next time you can choose differently. Try to avoid lingering in the past and mulling over the circumstances that led to your perceived error in judgment. Instead, adapt to the new circumstances you must face by considering how you can use your intelligence, inner strength, and intuition to aid you in moving forward more mindfully. Try not to entirely avoid thinking about the choices you have made, but reflect on the consequences of your decision from a rational rather than an emotional standpoint. Strive to under! stand why you made the choice you did, forgive yourself, and then move forward.

    A perceived mistake becomes a valuable learning experience and is, in essence, a gift to learn and grow from.

    You are indeed one of a kind and a unique individual! Patiently waiting for more updates... I love you always, always.

  12. Hi Michaelynn, I hope your day went well, looking foward toread about your adventures today. Love you and good night.

  13. On behalf of the team: Thank you all very much for your continuous prayers and blesssings. Our trip so far has been rather overwhelming but we are blessed to know that the overwhelming feelings are that of God showing us what we can do to bring the kingdom to earth. We are currently (as I type) working with Seeds of Hope and making Biosandfilters by hand. We have churned concrete, molded the cast, and even sweat a little ;) Tomorrow we are going to install the filters we made today in the homes of the Zambians.
    We really appreciate your care sent through our blog but please be patient in our response back as we are not capable of internet access very often.
    Everyone is well and safe. We are trying to adjust to our new lifestyle and time zone!!!

    Until later---

    Grace and Peace


  14. To Michaelynn from Clement
    I pray to The Almighty Lord to guard and protect you and your crew on this trip as you spread the word of God. The Lord will will look out for you as you look out for those that are in need.

  15. hey Michaelynn...

    I read your update for today.. sounds like everyone is doing well.. and im glad eveyone made it there safe. God Bless

    Natasha Danielle Hudson
