In 2008, The Vineyard Church here in Kenner entered into a long-term partnership with Vineyard Boise and Vineyard Church of Columbus in an effort to come along side local Vineyard Churches in Zambia, Africa to see long term transformation and to see the Kingdom of God fully present within the life of this country. Whether its building deep water wells and biosand filters with Seeds of Hope International, training lay leaders at the local churches, or simply praying for the sick and the marginalized, we long to see the Kingdom of God break in and renew this little part of the world. This blog is a place where you can join us as we seek to accomplish this mission.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday - May 13

On behalf of the team:

Thank you all very much for your continuous prayers and blessings. Our trip so far has been rather overwhelming but we are blessed to know that the overwhelming feelings are that of God showing us what we can do to bring the kingdom to earth. We are currently (as I type) working with Seeds of Hope and making bio-sand filters by hand. We have churned concrete, molded the cast, and even sweat a little. ;) Tomorrow we are going to install the filters we made today in the homes of the Zambians.
We really appreciate your care sent through our blog but please be patient in our response back as we are not capable of internet access very often.
Everyone is well and safe. We are trying to adjust to our new lifestyle and time zone!!!

Until later---

Grace and Peace



  1. Greetings to Zambians Team 2009. I am indeed happy to hear that each and everyone of you is in God's good grace. Any adjustments you will make is definitely appreciated by the people of Zambia. I am proud of you! Keep up the faith to our Heavenly Father and continue to extend support, specially to those who are less fortunate.

    I pray to our Almighty Father for everyone's well being!

    Peace and joy to all.

  2. I am praying for God's strength for all of you. I can't imagine how difficult it has been adjusting to not only the time change, but the long travel time to boot. I am glad to hear all of you are well and blessed to be doing the work of the ministry. May our Lord be with all of you the remainder of the week as you continue to pour out abundantly and may he continously replenish you with his strength, wisdom, peace,and ever filling Holy Spirit. janet

  3. Hey Guys,
    MY family is happy and proud to see God hands have placed every one of you all to serve and help others. My family and I are praying for everyone to give you all strength and the ability see God's hand at work through you all, and Clint everyone at work is keeping up with the blog and posting all the updates. I hope to here from everyone soon. Ok guys God Bless, Eric

  4. We use biosand filters here in Honduras, too.

  5. Glad to hear ya;ll made it safely! I know the love you are spreading will be contagious, praying for you daily.

  6. Looking forward for more up dates... Good night Anak! Be safe and God Bless.

  7. Hey guys, hope you are adjusting well. Have fun tomorrow teaching the kids. I'm sure that will be fun.

    Look forward to some pics and info. You all are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I admire all of you soo much.

    Love ya,


  8. Tell Sandra Marley is doing great. (Love, Mac)

    Best wishes to all of you for a safe and wondrous mission! Thanks for sharing your time and talents with God's children.

  9. wish u all the best !! what a wonderful thing u r all doing !! julie we miss u !! ue r in our prayers and thoughts everyday !! have a safe journey !! love you !!!

  10. Well team, it comforting to see all who standing and praying for you...All of your loved very much and everyone is anxiously awaiting your return to see the work you have done and the transformation God has done in you...WOW! what a journey...jlk

  11. Sorry, team I was having a bad grammar moment on my recent post due to being tired.

    1. it's comforting
    2. All of you are loved very much


  12. Thanks for taking the time to post photos and keep us updated while you are there. It helps as we pray for you and for the people you are ministering to.

    May you be encouraged with this thought: Every thing you are doing now, from the strenuous and sweaty jobs to the warm smiles and generous hugs.... they might seem like a drop in an ocean compared to the needs all around; however, truly they are more like a seed that is planted in a well watered ground, that will spread it's roots deep, and grow up to be a tree bearing fruit year after year. May God bless all you do; and may you sense His reward for your labor.
    Anne C.

  13. Well my heart and spirit is with you. I belive you are giving your all of the glory of God. We missed all of you at service. It gives me great joy to know that there are others who want to serve by serving others . I pray the Lord will not only bless you but also your family's. I pray for your protection in Jesus name

  14. Grace and peace to all. I hope this message finds you well. Stay strong and know that our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    P.S. ML, glad to hear you all made it safely =)

