In 2008, The Vineyard Church here in Kenner entered into a long-term partnership with Vineyard Boise and Vineyard Church of Columbus in an effort to come along side local Vineyard Churches in Zambia, Africa to see long term transformation and to see the Kingdom of God fully present within the life of this country. Whether its building deep water wells and biosand filters with Seeds of Hope International, training lay leaders at the local churches, or simply praying for the sick and the marginalized, we long to see the Kingdom of God break in and renew this little part of the world. This blog is a place where you can join us as we seek to accomplish this mission.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

24 Hours to Departure

In less than 24 hours we will meet at the Airport to start our journey. I have spent the last two days finalizing teachings and packing supply/team bags. Every time I think I have them packed something else pops up that needs to go. It is amazing just how many supplies we need for a 16 day trip. Please pray that all of the bags make it and if they don't that we would adjust quickly and go with the flow.

Our next post will be from the Atlanta Airport!


  1. Joan and Bill BaileyApril 16, 2010 at 12:23 PM

    We will be thinking about and praying for you and your Missionaries every day. God Bless you.

  2. Hope your flight to Joberg was uneventfull. Pls ask Sandra to take picture on landing in Joberg.....blessings,leza
