In 2008, The Vineyard Church here in Kenner entered into a long-term partnership with Vineyard Boise and Vineyard Church of Columbus in an effort to come along side local Vineyard Churches in Zambia, Africa to see long term transformation and to see the Kingdom of God fully present within the life of this country. Whether its building deep water wells and biosand filters with Seeds of Hope International, training lay leaders at the local churches, or simply praying for the sick and the marginalized, we long to see the Kingdom of God break in and renew this little part of the world. This blog is a place where you can join us as we seek to accomplish this mission.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Week 1 Update

The team's first week in Zambia is just about over, and God has shown up in some really powerful ways. First of all we'd like to apologize as the team doesn't have access to a good internet connection and unfortunately is not able to update the blog as much as we had hoped. However, we are in contact with them via phone and wanted to relay some things that have been happening.


The team spent the first part of their week in Kasempa.

Here, they held a pastors training conference for 60 Vineyard pastors and leaders to help assist, train, equip, and empower local pastors and leaders in the local Vineyard Churches in the area.

The team also held a one-day VBS (Vacation Bible School) for 100 kids with games, crafts, and songs.

They traveled to a leper colony in Kasempa, bringing food and cooking supplies to a group of about 40 people who are basically shut out from the rest of society. Both Robb and Rich were able to share a short message from Psalms and from Philippians. They prayed for each person in this community.

As they were preparing to leave Kasempa and travel back to Ndola, John Chelingi, the pastor of the local Vineyard Church in Kasempa, asked them to lead worship at their Wednesday night church service. The team had to explain that none of them were musicians nor could they sing really well and politely declined. But later that afternoon, the team felt like God was telling them to go ahead and do it anyway. So they practiced singing a few songs that afternoon, and that evening led worship for the church. During the first song, as they were singing the chorus the second time around, 60 Zambian voices joined with them worshiping and praising God. That same night, they prayed for people and people were healed!


Thursday, they traveled to a compound called Kosango that has about 400 residents. Here they installed 20 bio-sand filters, followed up with other families who already had bio-sand filters, and were able to pray with each family they visited with.


Friday, the team went to the Vineyard Church in Ndola. The church was damaged severely in last year’s rainstorms, and the team helped Pastor Damas and other local Zambians with some construction and were able to help clear a field for the church. Later, they went to the Mapalo Vineyard Church to connect with Pastor Francis and see some of the sewing and knitting projects the church is hosting.

The team is doing really well and is so excited about all that God is doing in and through them. You can really hear it in their voices (even with the static and the 5 second delay). Please continue to pray for them and the advancement of God’s Kingdom in Zambia.


  1. Joan and Bill BaileyApril 23, 2010 at 5:20 PM

    We can feel the Joy in your mission. What a beautiful experience and a God-send for the local people. The evening service must have also been very beautiful. We would like to get a recording of Rich singing. Certainly the Holy Spirit did some masterful work with his voice.
    Praying for you and your missionaries daily.


    Joan and Bill

  2. Great that you were asked to lead the services with worship and continue to see the sand filters in action. We look forward to the pictures and your safe return! Peace, TA

  3. Joan and Bill BaileyApril 27, 2010 at 6:44 PM

    Hello ! Hello ! Hello ! What's going on? Hope all is well. We are looking forward to getting some details....Hope and pray that you are accomplishing all that you set out to accomplish. Our prayers continue to be with you.
